
Monday, September 16, 2013

Service Grip Does Matter

Hey Everyone,

I just thought I would post a quick note about serving and your grip. I always thought I served with a continental grip. Although my knuckle was on continental, the pad of my hand was not. This was causing me to lose power and consistency without even realizing it.

After being told my grip was wrong during a lesson, we adjusted my grip to a true continental grip and I easily added 10 to 20 mph to my serve.

Below are a few videos of my serve and I used an app called serve speed (available on app store in iTunes) and my serve speed was 116 mph on 3 separate serves. Prior to that, my serve speed was roughly 100 mph.

Talk about a huge difference. By having the right grip, I was able to generate higher pace with less effort because the face of my racquet on pronation was hitting the ball more flat and my hand was behind the racquet more. This gave me more stability and more power.

If you are struggling with pace on your serve, I encourage you to check your grip and ensure you are not using a modified continental like I was. Definitely check the pad of your hand as well as your knuckle.

Take a look at these serves and let me know what you think in the comments.

Have a great day out there.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Ardor String Winners

Hey Everyone,

I apologize for this late post, but as they say, better late than never. After a family vacation, a total revamp of my website (lowest total order free shipping on the web).

I am pleased to announce a few lucky winners of the Ardor string. Please send me your contact information so I can mail you your free set. Also, please let me know the color you prefer:

Yellow (Lime) 1.25 mm
Blue 1.25 mm
Orange 1.23 mm

Or, you can request a set cut from a reel of Orange 1.27 mm (the thickest and most durable of OnFire).

The winners are:

Benny Allejos and Robert Chang.

Thanks again for commenting!!!!